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The Ideal Matrimony Chennai is a joint endeavour of the Christu Darsan Communication Media and the Family Apostolate of the Diocese of Irinjalakuda. The very word Cana denotes the wedding feast of Cana, Galilee where Christ performed his first miracle. The happiness of that invited throng of Cana came to its zenith through the miracle of Jesus, when they listened to and obeyed the words of Jesus. There is a human responsibility always in the miracle of marriage. Knowing each other is the most important task of a person who is going to get married. Real knowing leads to real trust and real love. The Ideal Matrimony Chennai helps as a channel through which the person concerned is able to know the other, leading him or her for an effective and joyful married life.

The institution of Marriage can be explained through a natural simile. Observe water coming from small different channels from different hill tops, passing different hurdles joining in a stream. The different waters from different channels have now become one. Further different streams join together to form a river. Different rivers join together to form a deep sea. Now the primary water drops from the primary channels cannot separate themselves and stay alone from this unity. Likewise, Marriage is a deeper and an everlasting union. It is the total communion of life. It is a loving union of an adult male with an adult female having different family backgrounds, having different educational formation, having diverse cultures etc. The miracle of marriage becomes a living and loving reality only through mutual understanding coming from a true knowledge of each one’s partner. The proper and genuine information supplied by the candidates to this site is an authentic source for searching and choosing a real partner for her/his bright future.

"What God has joined let no man must put asunder. (St. Mathew 19/6)." God is the author of Marriage. Marriage is a covenant by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, which, by its very nature, is ordered toward the good of the spouses.Let all who visit this site for getting married as per the divine will, may realize their true genuine dreams. A family of caring and sharing and praying is of timeless beauty and enduring model to the coming generation. This is our prayer and wish. Ideal Matrimony Chennai extends cordial welcome to all those who are capable of contracting marriage by the laws of the church and the laws of the state. Swaghatham